Coleridge Medical Centre

Sandfords Surgery

Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6pm)

Coleridge Medical Centre

Sandfords Surgery

Opening hours Mon to Fri (8am to 6pm)



We are currently contacting lots of our patients regarding statins. If you have followed an SMS/email link we have recently sent you, thank you for following the link and having a read of the information provided on this page. 

We highly recommend you watching a video from our pharmacist Gail, explaining why we are recommending you a statin medication. Please click HERE to view the video. 


If you are happy to start a statin medication, please let us know and we can organise a prescription to be sent to your preferred pharmacy. However, if you have any questions at all, we can book you an appointment with our pharmacist Gail to discuss these. 


Where can I find out more information?

For more information about prevention of cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, and statins we recommend the following websites:


Statins - NHS (

Statins and Cholesterol Medicine - HEART UK

NICE Patient decision aid: CG181 Patient decision aid on should I take a statin? (



There is lots of useful information about lifestyle modifications on these NHS website pages:


Live Well - NHS (

Better Health - NHS (


and also on the British heart foundation website:

Risk factors for heart and circulatory diseases | BHF


Below is an excellent healthy eating guide from Heart UK:  

Heart UK - Healthy Eating Guide


Below are some guides, including a useful visual aid regarding a healthy diet.